Instructor: Rachel Baker
Class Overview
This high school level world literature course will focus on great literary works from Germany and Great Britain. It would be a wonderful accompaniment to a world history course. Using Progeny Press study guides as well as The Complete Grimms’ Fairy Tales, we will be reading and studying several original German fairy tales as well as two British novels: Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (first half of the semester), and Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson(second half of the semester). I have used Progeny Press for years and I like how they are written from a Christian worldview and incorporate scripture verses with the novels students will be studying. I will supply both novels and a printed study guide for each book inside a binder. (I will supply one binder with a clear front so you can swap out study guides when we switch novels.)
Students WILL be expected to come to class each week with their Progeny Press study guides completed and prepared to discuss in class. Please do not sign up your student if homework cannot be completed, as this course requires a lot of student participation. The only homework required for this class will be for the British novel portion. There will be a pre-reading assignment and one essay assigned for each book in addition to the weekly study guide assignments. Students will need to begin reading and completing the study guide two weeks prior to the first class. I will also have other fun activities planned for class in addition to the study guides. Completing two Progeny Press study guides is equivalent to a half credit for high-schoolers.
*This is an high school level class yet the grades correlated with these novels are slightly staggered. Out of the Silent Planet is listed for grades 9-12 and Treasure Island is listed for grades 7-10. Obviously you as the parent can make the judgment call with this.
**Please note, aside from reading some short fairy tales, students will not have written homework for the German literary side of this class. All written work while studying The Complete Grimms’ Fairy Tales will be completed in class.
***If you would rather print the study guide yourself, I will refund you $10 on the first day of class.
Fee: $30
Grades: 7-12
Class Size Limit: 10